Al-hamdulillah, as shown in MindaNews’ latest report on 2022 Mindanao books (, ElziStyle Bookshop tops the list of indie publishers for having the most number of published titles (8 books) in 2022.
Now, below are the 4 titles in the pipeline of 2023-24 translation projects:
* Murtada Mutahhari, HAJJ (Hajj: A Philosophical Exposition)
* Murtada Mutahhari, NAZARI BEH NIZAM-e IQTISADI-ye ISLAMI (A Glance at the Islamic Economic System)
* Murtada Mutahhari, ISLAM WA NIYAZ-HA-ye ZAMAN (Islam and the Exigencies of Time), Volumes 1-2
* Murtada Mutahhari, FALSAFEH-ye TARIKH (Philosophy of History), Volumes 1-4
Let me know which of these titles you want to read first this year.
Just type in the comment below:
A for Hajj: A Philosophical Exposition
B for A Glance at the Islamic Economic System
C for Islam and the Exigencies of Time, Volumes 1-2
D for Philosophy of History, Volumes 1-4
Thanks for your feedback!
#ElziStyle #Mutahhari #Hajj #IslamicEconomicSystem #ExigenciesofTime #Philosophyofhistory
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