As it’s already March 2024, let me share with you ElziStyle Bookshop’s Top Seller in the previous month of February (Rajab – Sha’ban): * ‘Allamah Hasan Mustafawi, “Esoteric Traditions: An Exposition of Imam Musa ibn Ja‘far al-Kazim’s (‘a) Mystical and Philosophical Traditions,” trans. Mansoor Limba (, 2020) 147 pages, US$16.99, eBook: (US$8) Want a sneak peek of the book before buying your copy? Grab your FREE SAMPLE copy here: About the Book Embark on a transformative journey
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Archives for Theology
Top Seller in January 2024
As it’s already February 2024, let me share with you ElziStyle Bookshop’s Top Seller in the previous month of January (Jumadi’th-Thani – Rajab): * Shaykh Najmuddin Tabasi, AN OVERVIEW OF THE MAHDI’S GOVERNMENT, trans. Mansoor Limba, (, 2023) 308 pages, US$19.99, eBook: (US$8) Want a sneak peek of the book before buying? Grab your FREE SAMPLE copy here: ABOUT THE BOOK: Dive into the riveting exploration of the Imām of the Time (‘atfs) in Shaykh Najmuddin
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Top Seller in April 2023
As it’s already the month of May, let me share with you ElziStyle Bookshop’s top seller in the previous month of April (Ramadan-Shawwal): Muhammad Taqi Ja‘fari, Philosophy of Religion, trans. Mansoor Limba, US$18.19, eBook, US$5.99 (regular price: US$12): Want a sneak peek of the book? Grab your FREE SAMPLE copy here: About the Book ‘Allamah Muhammad Taqi Ja‘fari’s “Philosophy of Religion” is a comprehensive and thought-provoking book that delves into the various aspects of the study of
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Top Sellers in 1stQ 2023
As we’re already in the second quarter of the year, let me share with you ElziStyle Bookshop’s top sellers in the previous quarter: January 2023 (Jumadi’ al-Thani-Rajab): * Murtada Mutahhari, BANKING AND INSURANCE IN ISLAM, trans. Mansoor Limba, US$16.99, Paperback Order Form (Philippines), P450 (regular price: P700): eBook, US$6 (regular price: US$10): Grab your FREE SAMPLE copy here: February 2023 (Rajab-Sha‘ban): * Najmuddin Tabasi, AN OVERVIEW OF THE MAHDI’S GOVERNMENT, trans. Mansoor Limba, US$19.99, eBook,
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10 Years, 10 Days
It’s actually around 10 years ago when I decided to edit this book. Yet, nothing concrete happened… …Not until the past 10 days that the editing work finally came to an end. Here’s the snapshot: ===== Have you ever wondered about the implicit agreement between God and His creation that is mentioned in the Qur’an? Look no further than “The Covenant in the Qur’an: The Key to Unity of the Verses Contained in Qur’anic Sūrahs.” This captivating book delves into
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On the ‘Verticalization’ of Eschatology
TEHRAN, Islamic Republic of Iran (August 1, 2007) – While waiting for half a dozen professors constituting the defense panel to finish reading the last draft of my dissertation (“The Power of International Quds Day in the Cyberspace (, FREE eBook here:, I have embarked on the translation into English of a Persian book on the mystical subtleties of supplication (du’a’) (“In the Presence of the Beloved”). For the past two days, however, I had to set aside the
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Is the Noble Qur’an Pre-eternal or Corporeal?
Tradition 1 عن الحسين بن خالد، قُلتُ للرّضا عليهالسلام: يَابنَ رسولِاللّه أخبِرنى عن القرآن أخالقٌ أو مَخلوقٌ؟ فقال: ليس بخالقٍ ولا مخلوقٍ، ولكنّه كلامُ اللّه عزَّوجل. Al-Tawḥīd, Section (bāb) 30, ḥadīth 1 Translation Ḥusayn ibn Khālid narrated, “I said to al-Riḍā (‘a), ‘O son of the Messenger of Allah! Inform me if the Qur’an is the Creator (khāliq) or something created (makhlūq).’ The Imām (‘a) said, ‘It is neither the Creator nor is it something created; rather, it is
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Mutahhari’s Replies to 5 Critiques on ‘The Issue of Hijab’
Text, page 382 Does Islam advocate women behind the veil, just as the word ḥijāb means “covering”? Or, does Islam advocate woman to cover her body in front of a stranger man without forcing her not to attend a gathering? And concerning the second case, what is the extent of the covering? Should the face and two hands up to the wrist be covered as well? Or, is it that the head and the two arms must be covered while
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What is Ma‘rifat Allah?
Text .أوّلُ عِبادةِ اللّهِ مَعرفتُه، وأصلُ مَعرفةِ اللّهِ تَوحيدُه Terminologies Awwal [أوّل]: that which is earlier and followed by another—be it material or spiritual, and the other is called “last” [ākhir].
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Transmigration and Resurrection
The Literal and Technical Meanings of Tanāsukh (Transmigration) Tanāsukh is derived from the root word n-s-kh and its literal function is associated with two characteristics: Change and transfer, and Succession of two things, one succeeding another.[1] As such, the word naskh in the parlance of jurisprudence (fiqh) and its principles (uṣūl al-fiqh) means a ruling (ḥukm) in the sharī‘ah which is abrogated by another ruling, and each of these two characteristics of the literal meaning exist in it. In the
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Assessment of Hume’s Objections to the Argument of Design
David Hume (1711-1776) of Scotland was one of the empiricist and skeptic philosophers of the West. He opposed many metaphysical foundations such that he had also disputed the proofs of the existence of God. In view of the fact that during his time the most popular proof ever presented for the existence of God in the Western world was the argument of design or teleological argument, he had also posed a serious challenge to it, raising some objections to it.
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