Monthly Archives May 2020

Why Hijab and Mental Health?

The issue of ḥijāb has been studied and investigated from various dimensions, and many books and articles have been written in this regard, but the psychological dimension of ḥijāb and its psychological effect upon the woman herself have been given less attention. By examining the role of ḥijāb in mental health, this research attempts to make a small step in addressing this need and to provide the teachers and cultural workers of society a new insight on the psychological effect
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He Whose Crime was Justice

BISMILLĀHIR RAHMĀNIR RAHĪMAL-HAMDULILLĀH, AL-HAMDULILLĀHIL-LADHĪ QĀL:LAQAD ARSALNĀ RUSULANĀ BIL-BAYYINĀTI WA ANZALNĀ MA‘AHUMUL-KITĀBA WAL-MIZĀNA LIYAQUMAN-NĀSU BIL-QIST [Translation:In the Name of God, the All-beneficent, the All-mercifulAll Praise is due to God; all Praise is due to God who said: “Certainly We sent Our apostles with manifest proofs, and We sent down with them the Book and the Balance, so that mankind may maintain justice.” (Sūrat al-Ḥadīd 57:25)] Esteemed anthropologists, respected scholars, fellow students, dear friends, and my distinguished co-panelists – Salāmun ‘alaykum and
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