Posts by ElziStyle

On the ‘Verticalization’ of Eschatology

TEHRAN, Islamic Republic of Iran (August 1, 2007) – While waiting for half a dozen professors constituting the defense panel to finish reading the last draft of my dissertation (“The Power of International Quds Day in the Cyberspace (, FREE eBook here:, I have embarked on the translation into English of a Persian book on the mystical subtleties of supplication (du’a’) (“In the Presence of the Beloved”). For the past two days, however, I had to set aside the
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More Enduring than the Crack

More enduring than the uncoverable crack on the Ka‘bah’s Yemeni Corner (rukn al-yamani) for all generations to witness… Is your voice of human justice and moral governance expressed by your eloquent tongue, inscribed by your prolific pen, executed by your nimble hands, and defended by the blades of your Dhu’l-fiqar. The decades-long cursing of your name in minarets and pulpits miserably failed to obliterate the everlasting fragrance of your lofty status and qualities. Neither the skepticism of the skeptics nor
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Mortification and Monasticism

(An excerpt from Murtada Mutahhari, THE ISSUE OF HIJAB, pp. 23-33. Paperback available HERE.) Causes of Man’s Inclination toward Monasticism The connection of the issue of covering with the philosophy of mortification and monasticism is thus explained that the woman is the greatest source of man’s pleasure and delight, and if a man and a woman interact and are attracted to each other, they will consciously or unconsciously seek for such pleasure and delight. In order to keep the atmosphere
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Talakuku – Bayumbayan’s Old Name

The trees nearby the Masgit-a-Pusaka (Relic Masjid) in Barangay Bagumbayan, Kabuntalan, are culturally and historically significant to the local people. They are directly connected to “Talakuku,” which is the ancient name of Bagumbayan, nay the whole of Tumbao (Kabuntalan). “Talakuku” is a Maguindanaon word whose root-word is “kuku,” which means “to crow”. “Tala” is a prefix which signifies habitual practice or action. So, “talakuku” means “a being or entity that constantly crows.” According to local narratives, a long time ago,
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The Power of the Minbar

Muscat, Oman (May 9, 2018) – In a recent post-Marawi conflict analysis workshop I co-facilitated, the third session was devoted to the identification of enablers and inhibitors of radicalization that leads to violent extremism. It can be noticed during the presentation that the madrasah and religious leaders or scholars (‘ulama) were identified in the three groups as either among the enablers, or the inhibitors, while at the same time, none of the three groups ever identified the institution of the
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Murtada Mutahhari in the Eyes of His Teacher

A close scrutiny of the Sahifeh-ye Imam’schronological and descriptive accounts of Mutahhari shows that the martyred Ayatullah Professor Murtada Mutahhari undoubtedly occupies a distinct station in the sight of the Great Leader of the Islamic Revolution and the Idol-Breaker of the 20th Century. In the words of Ayatullah Dr. Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Beheshti, “I think the reason for the Imam to hold such Professor Mutahhari in such high esteem and respect was not only because the Professor had been a student of
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Points to be Avoided on the Metaphor in the Qur’an

There are points to be avoided on the use of words on the metaphorical meanings of the Noble Qur’an: Metaphor-mongering undermines the Qur’an’s authority because as metaphor-mongering exists in a speech, what is meant by the speaker becomes ambiguous and unknown, and the speech relinquishes its definitiveness and certainty and will be subject to doubt and skepticism from among different meanings. And in this case, not only that it will not definitely be in use but also cause astonishment and
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Is the Noble Qur’an Pre-eternal or Corporeal?

Tradition 1 عن الحسين بن خالد، قُلتُ للرّضا عليه‌السلام: يَابنَ رسولِاللّه أخبِرنى عن القرآن أخالقٌ أو مَخلوقٌ؟ فقال: ليس بخالقٍ ولا مخلوقٍ، ولكنّه كلامُ اللّه عزَّوجل. Al-Tawḥīd, Section (bāb) 30, ḥadīth 1 Translation    Ḥusayn ibn Khālid narrated, “I said to al-Riḍā (‘a), ‘O son of the Messenger of Allah! Inform me if the Qur’an is the Creator (khāliq) or something created (makhlūq).’ The Imām (‘a) said, ‘It is neither the Creator nor is it something created; rather, it is
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What Does Grip of Allah (ḥujzat Allāh) Mean?

Translation    Al-Ḥasan al-Khazzāz narrated that Abū ’l-Ḥasan al-Riḍā (‘a) said, “On the Day of Resurrection, the Messenger of Allah (ṣ) will indeed hold onto the Grip of Allah (ḥujzat Allāh); we will hold onto the grip of our Prophet and our followers (shī‘ah) will hold onto our grip.” He (‘a) then said, “And the grip (ḥujzah) means light (nūr).” And he (‘a) said in another tradition, “It means holding onto the religion.” Tradition    عن الحسن الخَزّاز عن أبى
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The Greatest Name [ism al-a‘ẓam] and Āṣaf ibn Barkhiyā

The Greatest Name [ism al-a‘ẓam] and Āṣaf ibn Barkhiyā    ثمّ إنّ سَيِّدنا موسى بنَ جعفرٍ عليهما السلام دَعا بالمُسيِّب، وذلك قبلَ وفاته بثَلاثة أيّام، وكان موَكَّلاً به، فقال يا مُسيِّبُ! قال لَبَّيك يا مولاي. فقال: إنّي ظاعِنٌ في هذه اللَيلة الى المَدنية مدينةِ جَدّي رسولِ اللّه صلّى اللّهُ عليه وآله، لاَِعهَدَ الى علىٍّ ابني ما عهِدَه إلىَّ أبي وأجعَلَه وصِيّيي وخَليفَتي وآمُرَه بأمري! قال المسيّبُ: فقلتُ يا مولايَ كيفَ تَأمُرُني أن أفتَحَ الأبوابَ وأقفالَها، والحَرَس مَعي على الأبواب! فقال:
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Mutahhari’s Replies to 5 Critiques on ‘The Issue of Hijab’

Text, page 382 Does Islam advocate women behind the veil, just as the word ḥijāb means “covering”? Or, does Islam advocate woman to cover her body in front of a stranger man without forcing her not to attend a gathering? And concerning the second case, what is the extent of the covering? Should the face and two hands up to the wrist be covered as well? Or, is it that the head and the two arms must be covered while
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What is Liqa’ Allah?

‘Allāmah Ḥasan Muṣṭafawī, “RISĀLAH MA‘RIFAT ALLAH: A Treatise on the Stages of Mystical Wayfaring toward the Station of Beatific Vision,” trans. Mansoor Limba ( This is a treatise which deals with the salient features of the stages [manāzil] that lead toward the station [maqām] of Beatific Vision or meeting with Allah, the Glorious and Dignified [liqā’ Allāh ‘azza wa jall], and the effects and signs of each of these stages as well as the outcome of attaining the station of liqā’ Allāh.
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