Light Moments in Vienna

This book contains selected anecdotes of my personal experience while undergoing KAICIID fellowship training on interreligious and intercultural dialogue in Vienna, Austria.

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The Revival of Islamic Thought

‘The Revival of Islamic Thought’ consists of a series of five lectures given with the same title by the martyred professor Āyatullāh Muṭahharī...

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Scientific Approach in Translating and Interpreting the Noble Qur'an and Traditions

In this treatise, ‘Allamah Mustafawi points out, and then discusses and investigates, the necessary conditions and features which must be faithfully observed and carefully considered in the pursuit of translation, exegesis, elucidation, and explanation of the verses of the Noble Qur’an and the holy traditions and narrations.

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Risalah Sayr wa Suluk

This book is ‘Allamah Hasan Mustafawi’s exposition of the known treatise on mystical wayfaring (Risaleh-ye Sayr wa Suluk) widely attributed to Sayyid Mahdi Bahr al-Ulum al-Burujirdi al-Najafi (died 1212 AH/1797-98). Though concise, this book has made clear all stages and stations of mystical wayfaring and the degrees of perfection of the human soul in the best and most comprehensive mode of expression and substantiated by holy Qur’anic verses, noble traditions (aḥādīth), and rational proofs.

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