As we’re already in the second quarter of the year, let me share with you ElziStyle Bookshop’s top sellers in the previous quarter: January 2023 (Jumadi’ al-Thani-Rajab): * Murtada Mutahhari, BANKING AND INSURANCE IN ISLAM, trans. Mansoor Limba, US$16.99, Paperback Order Form (Philippines), P450 (regular price: P700): eBook, US$6 (regular price: US$10): Grab your FREE SAMPLE copy here: February 2023 (Rajab-Sha‘ban): * Najmuddin Tabasi, AN OVERVIEW OF THE MAHDI’S GOVERNMENT, trans. Mansoor Limba, US$19.99, eBook,
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Archives for banking
Translation of ‘Banking and Insurance in Islam’ Finished!
Al-hamdulillah, the translation into English of Shahid Murtada Mutahhari’s BANKING AND INSURANCE IN ISLAM that started last November 21 has finally come to a close on December 23 at exactly 6:40 pm. 32 days instead of the usual three months period. This unusual translation speed can significantly be attributed to my application of POMODORO TECHNIQUE, which can be summed up as “calling myself to account every after 25 minutes”. (For details, see Francesco Cirillo, THE POMODORO TECHNIQUE: THE ACCLAIMED TIME-MANAGEMENT
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