Book Writing Post #3
For a successful implementation of a project such as writing a book, the first thing we need to do is to clarify our goal.
I do this by clarifying the following items:
1. Goal setting
2. Goal visualization
3. Planning (road-mapping and marking of milestones)
4. Implementation (weekly)
5. Evaluation (monthly)
Let’s tackle these items one by one:
1. Goal setting
For the book, HOW TO SHARI’AH-COMPLIANTLY INVEST IN THE PHILIPPINE STOCK MARKET, which I have started writing on the first day of this month (March 1), here’s my goal setting statement:
“I am a disciplined and passionate author as I complete writing HOW TO SHARI’AH-COMPLIANTLY INVEST IN THE PHILIPPINE STOCK MARKET: BEGINNER’S STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE within three months (March, May, and June 2022), insha’ Allah. The value is gratitude for knowledge-sharing and continuous learning.”
In the goal-setting statement above, the following elements can be observed:
* Conditioning of the mind on how to be able to succeed in attaining the goal: to be “a disciplined and passionate author”
* The book title is explicitly stated.
* The timeline is also clear – date started: March 1 and date expected to finish: June 30.
* The value (reason for doing the project in the first place) is also stated – “gratitude for knowledge-sharing and continuous learning”.
2. Goal visualization
In goal visualization, I would ask myself two questions: How will I know that I’ve achieved my goal? How does my end goal look?
In answering these two questions, I don’t find any other way better than designing the book’s cover and making a three-dimensional mock-up cover of the book so as to make the book ‘more tangible’ in my eyes.
(In case you’re curious to know how I design the book cover and make a three-dimensional mock-up book cover, just drop a comment in the Comment Section below.)
3. Planning (road-mapping and marking of milestones)
In planning how to achieve the goal stated above, I have the following road map and milestone indicators:
1st Week March – 15 pages
2nd Week March – 15 pages
3rd Week March – 15 pages
4th Week March – 15 pages
March → 60 pages
1st Week May – 15 pages
2nd Week May – 15 pages
3rd Week May – 15 pages
4th Week May – 15 pages
May → 120 pages
1st Week June – 15 pages
2nd Week June – 15 pages
3rd Week June – 15 pages
4th Week June – 15 pages
March → 180 pages
In sum, my road map is to write 15 pages of the book every week, and at the end of each month, my milestone indicator is the writing of at least 60 pages such that at the end of the three months period, I can come up with the book with at least 180 pages.
4. Implementation (weekly)
At the start of every week, I do indicate the specific action steps for that week:
* To engage in writing the book from 8 to 11 am.
* To engage in writing the book from Monday to Thursday.
(In case you’re curious to know the reasons behind the chosen hours and days for writing, just drop a comment in the Comment Section below.)
5. Evaluation
After setting the goal, identifying the road map and milestones, and enumerating the action steps to be implemented, I will make a monthly evaluation by asking and answering these questions:
* What milestones did I reach for this goal?
* How close am I to my goal?
* What brought me to my milestones?
* What roads turned out to be wrong ways?
* What better roads can I explore to get to my milestones?
In summary, I do clarify my book-writing goal by (1) making my goal setting statement, (2) creating a visual representation of my goal, (3) planning by indicating the road map and milestones, (4) listing down the actions steps to be implemented, and (5) evaluating the milestones achieved so far.
In my next post, I will open to you a window to my personal work ethics and productivity tips before proceeding to sharing my actual implementation of the book writing since March 1, insha’ Allah.
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