Some of the philosophers of religion regard as religion any school of thought which has the following three principal elements of belief: There is a world beyond the world of tangibles; The world of nature has a purpose; and The world of being has a moral system. The third element can be analyzed in two ways. One way is that the world of being is such that it perceives what is morally good or evil. The other way is that the
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5 Key Points of the Declaration of International Quds Day
To fully grasp the importance of the declaration of the last Friday of Ramadan as Quds Day, it is necessary to quote at some length the first message of Quds Day founder, which lays down the cornerstone of his conception of, and philosophy behind, the declaration, and the subsequent messages are based on these declarations. Thereafter, we will analyze the implication of the key points of the statements towards the Palestinian Question. “In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the
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The Concept of Tahrif and Its Types
Taḥrīf, which appears in lexicon to mean to floss out, distort and change a word or speech from its original condition, shape or state,[1] is a deliberate and volitional activity done by the proponents of falsehood against those of the truth. It is done in two ways, viz. taḥrīf in the structure of speech (verbal taḥrīf) and taḥrīf in the content of speech (substantial taḥrīf). Taḥrīf in the Structure of Speech or Verbal Taḥrīf. This has three forms, viz. distortion
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Iqbāl and the Revival of Religious Thought
In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the Creator of all existents. May salutations and peace be upon Allah’s servant, Messenger, beloved, favorite, the keeper of His secret, and the propagator of His message—our Chief, Prophet and Master Abū’l-Qāsim Muḥammad (ṣ). I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. “O you who have faith! Answer Allah and the Apostle when he summons you to that which
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Gems from Heaven | Rings and Stones
Full Documentary HD This documentary allows us to reach Allah and ponder upon one of his greatest creations – Stones. We travel to the holy city of Najaf to understand the wisdom behind this precious creation and to why the Ahlulbayt place much emphasis on certain stones on rings.
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